Since January 1, 2014, the Lamotte site belongs to the ICIG group. International Chemicals investor group is a private and family investment company.
WeylChem Lamotte is the owner and principal operator of the Lamotte Industrial Platform (ex Clariant site). This site has been established since 1896 or more than 120 years and is currently composed of 5 companies (Merck, PQ Europe, Archroma, Cell Alternativ, Weylchem Lamotte) of which 4 have manufacturing workshops.
With nearly 1,000 jobs, the site is a major player in the local economy. For its part, WeylChem Lamotte directly employs more than 440 people, whose average seniority is around 22 years, and pays every year at regional and local level more than 2.5 million Euros in production taxes.
Safety and environment is a priority.
Consideration of safety aspects and protection of the environment starts with the design of products and installations.
An internal inspection service approved by the authorities, guarantees pressure vessels are in good operating conditions.
The site is classified “Seveso high threshold” due to the use of certain toxic or flammable substances.

The site has a physical and biological waste water treatment plant equivalent which is approved by the Seine Normandy Water Agency. A digestor converts a part of the waste water into biogas, which is burned to generate steam.
Atmospheric releases are treated by an innovative process developed and patented by the weylchem Lamotte Chemical Industrial Parksite has signed a voluntary commitment to gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Services and Utilities
Occupational Medicine
Security and fire department (24h / 7 days)
Company restaurant
Information Technology support
Waste water treatment
Analytical laboratory with Hi Tech equipment e.g. NMR, MS, HPLC, …
Energy and utilities (electricity, nitrogen, compressed air, gas, Deionized-water, steam)
Inspection Service (recognized by the French authorities)
Rental of buildings, meeting and conference rooms
The platform actors
The 5 actors are highly incorporated with local partners.
Based on the partnership with France Chimie, the platform benefits from a unique expertise and a set of adapted services. Being also a member of the IAR Pole, partner of the Technological University of Compiègne, the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Organique, the territorial anchoring and the development of the dialogue with local actors are essential stakes for the platform which wishes to remain an important player in local economic development.